Dearest brothers and sisters,
It gives me the greatest pleasure to invite you to come and join me and one of my best soul sisters Katie Brockhurst on a live 3 hr zoom call that will be taking place on Saturday the 14th of March at 5 p.m. UK time (9am -12 midday pacific time) till 8 pm uk time.
Please check your time zone for the exact time (https://time.is/pt/).
in this group myself and Kate will be sharing with you our vast knowledge and skill-set around setting up and maintaining a fifth Dimensional business. We both have a huge amount of experience in this area, and we have
both pioneered and trail blazed the reality of using a 5D business model to run our highly successful businesses…..
I am so excited to be sharing this information with all of you as it is a subject matter very close to my heart and something which I have been able to master very intuitively.
from taking part in this zoom group, I Jen will personally be sharing
•How to miraculously Call in your tribe/ clients whom you have made a soul contract to work with in this lifetime.
•How to ensure your vibration is magnetic to your potential client's
•guidance and clarity that will assist you to know your true soul work,
•I will share with you about Abundance codes and how to activate abundance codes
•we will talk about Pricing strategies. And which platform to focus on
•I will also share in detail some phenomenal secrets that have led to the event group being so extremely successful and engaging.
Katie will be able to assist you in…..
*Shifting any overwhelm or frustrations you feel about social media that block you from using this amazing tool.
*Understanding the algorithms and how your content gets seen learning how you can create organic reach without “playing the game”.
*Moving through any visibility vulnerabilities you may feel about sharing yourself and your message.
*Discovering playful and fun ways to tap into your creativity for content creation and create consistency.
*Learning the power of intention for your platforms and content and how much your energy matters.
*Creating a “strategy of love” for you to grow a connected community for marketing your products and services in the new paradigm so that you call in the right clients and connections.
We are offering places on a first-come-first-served basis
The cost to take part is £33
we both very forward to welcoming you on the call
Here is the link to book
Here is Katie's bio
Katie Brockhurst, aka Kdot, the Social Media Angel is a digital consultant and coach with twenty years experience. Katie has spent the past decade supporting and guiding best selling authors and experts in spirituality and wellness to manage their social media platforms. She has just released her second book in the series Social Media For A New Age: 2020 and beyond. The first book was shortlisted as a finalist in the UK Business Book Awards, The Wishing Shelf Independent Book Awards and won Best Self Development Book at the Platinum Awards.
Here is my bio
Jen McCarty is a leading luminary in the ascension and twin flame community. She teaches and guides pioneering and leading changemakers in the spiritual community. Jen experienced a life-changing kundalini awakening aged 21 in the Himalayas in northern India chanting the mantra Om Namah Shivaya from that moment she passed over the threshold from 3D consciousness to stabilising into 5th-dimensional consciousness. She is now in her 40's and has devoted her whole adult life to the spiritual awakening path, mastering many many disciplines along the way…..
She specialises in working with the law of attraction or law of attunement as she calls it, demystifying Ascension and answering the question what is it and how does one ascend, Twin flame reunion and the removal of the roadblocks that stand in the way of that, and she is an awakened spiritual teacher, deeply and highly skilled at facilitating a space for all those whom she comes into contact with her, to awaken fully spiritually. she explains this using the analogy of a candle ....” when a candle is lit it is very very easy to light other candles.”
Jen created the phenomenal Paradigm shifting Facebook group The Event Keeps happening over a year ago, that has grown at an exponential rate and has triggered the spiritual Awakening of thousands and thousands of group members due to her diligence and mastery at holding sacred space for large groups of people.