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choose your own price to donate towards someone else doing this course 

Dearest soul family 


I am very very excited to be branching out with my spiritual work to begin sharing the original and Powerful healing modalities that my higher self has shared with me and that I use in many of my one-to-one sessions, and which yield life-changing results every time.


In particular the technique that I will be teaching is called the Quantum Time Travel Technique QTTT…


*I will teach you about the basic principles of counselling a client in a session 

*We will learn about holding space for a client in a session - what that means and what that entails.

*And I will be sharing with you the Quantum Time Travel Technique (QTTT)  which in summary is a guided visualisation that enables you to guide your client on a journey as their future self to meet their past traumatised and frozen self.

*as they meet their past self with their future healed and whole self, in this meeting the child self is completely set free and is able to to begin her emotional healing and growth trajectory again. 

*I will teach you how to identify the core trauma in your client and I will teach you how to guide your client on this life-changing journey


The course will be spread out over sunday the 23rd of August and sat the 29th of August I will start these events at 7:30 p.m. UK time in order to make this work accessible to those in the USA, Australia and Europe.


Each session will run between 2 and 3 hours and I will set you all homework between the two sessions that will encourage you to try out these techniques on the other participants/ trainees in the zoom group.


As this will be be an accredited training program which will give you a certificate of Proof that you have completed the training - the cost to take part is £188 however no one will be turned away from this work and I will offer a sliding scale price of £111 to all of those who are currently out of work at the moment.


 I will also be setting up a pay It Forward scheme so those of you who are very abundant at the moment and who can show love and support to those who are financially struggling


My intention with this course is to train you you to be able to offer one-to-one sessions with clients using this powerful Ascension tool.

All this will work alongside many healing modalities such as reiki, acupuncture, theta healing, womb work, and sexuality healing and alignment work.


This is a game-changing tool that can effortlessly slip into your healing practice to insure once and for all - all major deep core tissues are cleared entirely for your clients forever..

when you sign up you will receive a pdf with instructions to join the 2 zoom meetings please be sure to download immediately


please email me at if you would like to pay in installments and I will send you the link  












Published on 25 May 2017

Dear ones,

We come forward today with an important message to share with you all with regards to the 144.000 illumined wayshowers who have incarnated to assist humanity to fully align and stabalise in 5th dimensional consciousness.

The 144,000 were the first and original soul group that sprang forth from the original Void, and from that fractural patterning, it is understood that all souls were created.

This original source group are old, ancient souls, original, all powerful, highly gifted, highly guided, highly blessed, and in Service at all times.

Many times it has been asked? Can one of the 144,000 forget this? and the answer beloveds is Yes.






Welcome to this video beloveds, I discuss a vey important topic for the twin

flame collective, and how the ascension process happens, and the role twins have in this... Namaste

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