In these sessions Jen is able to tap into the higher self of you and your twin flame to bring through important messages from the realm of spirit. Jen has been granted access to the Akashic fields which holds all the information of your past future and parallel lifetimes. And she is able to masterfully discern and identify the fundamental issues that are blocking your union.
In a session with Jen you will receive expert and extremely high calibre soul support to assist you to successfully remove core blocks be they from your ancestral lineage or past life.
Jen is highly skilled in working with and utilising the higher dimensional field of consciousness where the blueprint for the 3d plane lies.
She will often times guide you on an extremely powerful visualisation to retrieve long and abandoned aspects of you or your twin flames soul.
Her specialities are in inner child work, clearing the Atlantis timeline, deep shadow work and aligning your consciousness with your divine presence that you have always been.
She is also highly adept at working with matrix energetics, an extremely powerful tool that utilises the laws of quantum physics and the law of intention, and she regularly activates extraordinary miracles in many many of the people who come to her for one-to-one sessions.
Soul Dharma Sessions
As Jen has been granted access to the Akashic fields with a few specifically pointed questions, she is able to assist you to come to clarity very very quickly with regards to the work and mission that you have come forth to manifest in this lifetime, otherwise known as your dharma. This is one of her greatest skills and she has assisted many many to let go of old modalities of income to come into alignment with their soul's highest vision and highest destiny.
She is highly skilled at supporting you and your business to integrate deep spiritual disciplines so that the services you offer carry deep integrity and alignment with the new Paradigm, and is highly skilled at offering extremely practical steps to turn this vision/idea into a profit-making venture.

Twin Flame Readings / Channellings / One to One Sessions.