Here is the link to join the 11. 1 transmission on YouTube
The 11:1 transmission will take place on the 11th of January at 7.07 PM UK time. In this transmission, we will be working directly and specifically with The White Hat Operation to transform all of the vials of poison into vials of saline /placebo.
It's very important that as many of us come forward to be part of this transmission as possible. We'll also be working to dismantle the 5G network, ensuring that the towers are used to send out 432 Hertz, which is the angelic resonant Hertz for the planet.
We will also be experiencing a profound, personal blessing for each individual twin flame coupling that comes to be part of this powerful transmission,
Please know it is my deepest honour to show up and serve you, my brothers and sisters.
I look forward to Gathering with you my beautiful brothers and sisters and serving you in love and light….
It's my deepest honour to host this ceremony and I very much look forward to welcoming you into the core group.
If you are absolutely deeply unable to send the energy exchange please contact my assistant at and she will send you the link to make a donation
In love and eternal light, jenji and the White Wolf Tribe.
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