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The 77 Gateway to Heaven Divine Feminine Restoration Ceremony will take place at 7 minutes past 7 PM UK time on the 7th of July 2023. This ceremony will be held on Zoom. Please check your spam folder to ensure you receive the PDF before the day of the ceremony.

In this ceremony, we will activate a profound base chakra reset for the Divine Feminine. 

We will open up her base chakra, remove weeds of fear and trauma, and recode her sacral chakra with energies of safety and protection. This work is crucial during this time of collective Ascension, as many Divine Feminines have not felt safe to embrace their polarized feminine energies. This repelling effect has affected the connection with the Divine Masculine, as the Divine Masculine is naturally attracted to and magnetized by the feminine polarity.

We will conduct a transformative ceremony to ensure that the Divine Feminine's essence is showered with codons, allowing her to finally feel safe in her sensual and erotic feminine form. This will enable her to attract her divine counterpart in this heightened energetic gateway. The Divine Masculine will also benefit from this ceremony, as he will have the opportunity to work with important and significant Divine Feminines in his life, such as his partner, girlfriend, wife, daughter, and mother.

This powerful and sacred work is offered on an energetic exchange basis. Please click the link below to book your spot in the ceremony. If you are reading this on a mobile device, please click the live link that will redirect you to the booking page.

77 Gateway to Heaven Divine Feminine Restoration Ceremony

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