1010 online ceremony
It gives me great pleasure to announce that I will be hosting an online ceremony to mark the 1010 numerological portal date.
The ceremony will take place at 8:08 pm UK time on the 10th of October.
We will activate an extraordinary liberation protocol for mother, Gaia, celebrating the fact that she has finally been released from the Lower dimensional hell clutches.
This is deeply connected to a peace protocol that the ground crew are being guided to facilitate in order to bring peace to the Middle East, the land of Israel and Palestine are extremely important places on the spiritual level and the trauma on these lines is part of the agenda to keep the Earth destabilised.
Once there is peace in the Middle East peace will rain throughout the entire earth plane.
This is deeply connected to the activation of the peace codon within our own akashik field.
All those who come forward to participate in the ceremony will receive an extraordinary blessing, with regards to their personal evolutionary trajectory.
There are other elements to the 1010 ceremony which will be revealed in due course
please know that the moment that you book onto this transmission your Higher Self will start preparing your energetic field for this huge upgrade that the 1010 portal promises.
Please know that no one has ever been turned away from the ceremonies that I host there is a bursary fund available and to pay it forward option for members of our community who wish to support other members
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