11.11 Paradise Transmission
The 11/11 transmission will take place at 17 minutes past 7:00 PM UK time on Friday the 11th of November.
In this transmission, we will be returning the capstone, the crystal capstone, back to the great pyramid of Giza and we will be deeply anchoring the physical unification of the 144,000 twin flame pairs.
This is an extraordinary auspicious portal to work with, particularly in such an enlightened way with regards to calling in the divine counterparts.
There are more aspects to this ceremony which will be revealed in due course.
Please know that this sacred of work is offered on an energetic exchange basis and no one is ever turned away.
There is a pay it forward scheme and bursary fund available.
The meetings will take place on Zoom.
I can't wait to be with you all for the 11/11 transmission. Love and eternal light, Jen.
jens links
🔥INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/officialjenmccarty144/
🌟TWITTER: https://twitter.com/jen_mccarty
🔮FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/jen.mccarty23
TWIN FLAMES AND THE EVENT BOOK: https://jenmccarty.co.uk/product/twin-flames-the-event-a-message-for-the-144000-lightworkers-audiobook
TWIN FLAMES AND THE EVENT AUDIO: mybook.to/Twinflamesbook
NO MORE CRUMBS BOOK:mybook.to/nomorecrumbs
NO MORE CRUMBS AUDIO : https://jenmccarty.co.uk/product/no-more-crumbs/
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twin flame work book
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