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Dearest Beloveds


It is a great honour to share these teachings with you and I know we will see huge transformational shifts during these powerful 3 days.


To honour this sacred container, there will be a £3.33 registration fee to cover all of the administrations costs for hosting a free 3 day live event.


This is also shows commitment to yourself and your transformation in ensuring your attendance to this live event


By paying this fee, you are committing to yourself to show up for this powerful spiritual work.


It is of the highest spiritual vibration to honour yourself and the journey we are about to embark on by exchanging energy in this way.


The details of the Masterclass

Date - Friday 1st, Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd October

Time - 3.33pm GMT

Location - Facebook Group


Once you have registered you will recieve the information via email to join the masterclass.


Please check your inbox and spam folder for 'Congratulations. You're in the Wealth Masterclass'  This email will contain all the information on date, time and location.


You will also recieve reminder emails


As soon as you pay to join this event you will receive a PDF with full instructions to join this call


most likely you will find this PDF in your spam folder or your all mail folder


it will definitely be there as it's an automatic process FOR veryone that signs up please check these folders under "jen mccarty"


Jen x

Quantum Wealth Registration

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