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Shivartri ceremony



The Shivartri ceremony will take place at 4:44 PM UK time on the 8th of March, 2024. 


In this ceremony, we will come together and experience a profound Shivartri Pooja. For all of us who participate in this ceremony, we will align ourselves with a most extraordinary dashan and blessing from Lord Shiva himself. 


We will be going into the holy mountain of Arunachala and we will be working with all the rishies, the Devas and the all guardians of the Holy Mountain, and we will be experiencing the holy sacred marriage of Shiva and Partvati. 


This is such an exceptionally beautiful ceremony to be invited to, and I cannot wait to be with all of you. My beautiful brothers and sisters 


love Jen.


As soon as you sign up for the ceremony, you will automatically be sent a PDF file with the zoom link. Please check your spam folder under Jen mccarty. If there has been a glitch in the system and for some reason you do not have the PDF please email me at











Shivartri ceremony

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