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solstice transmission



Dearest brothers and sisters dearest brothers and sisters the solstice transmission will take place on the 21st of June at 7:07 pm UK time

in this transmission we will be working with the Golden dragons who are overseeing this energetic portal and are the gatekeepers of many divine unions

we will be working with the golden dragons to open up the golden gate so that an unprecedented number of twin flame unions can anchor on the physical plane

this is highly recommended to all of those on the spiritual path who wish to come into physical union with their twin flame

attending a transmission is much like going to a spiritual gym

they help you very quickly become a spiritual heavyweight as they work on a holistic level transforming your vibration from your core base level

in the transmission we will also be doing some energetic clearing with big tech and opening up some angelic portals to correct the algorithms that have been created to work against ascending humanity

we will be correcting these algorithms for all...


I have notoriously had quite a lot of problems with the buttons on this Wix site if there are any issues please use this PayPal link below and send the energy exchange and email me and I will let you know please email me at requesting the PDF

Solstice low income

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