Twin flame ascension report: Equinox transmission from Rosslyn Chapel scotland

Dearest brothers and sisters,
Greetings of the most high. We come forward now in this moment of your time with much news to share with you, ever-evolving humanity. There is so much to speak about. So let us begin.
What is occurring on the world stage at the moment is pure theatrics. There is a situation that is occurring, but the public is not being made privy to the true reason and causes for what is occurring.
No one on this earth would ever condone any bombs being dropped or any war under any circumstances. And the fact that we are at this place collectively is deeply upsetting. However, if we do a little bit of digging, we can find out that the situation is not what it seems.
There have been many nefarious activities taking place in the land that is known as Ukraine. And it seems like there is a cleanup operation taking place at the moment. It really doesn't take much to discover this, just a little bit of digging beyond what the mainstream media is saying.
A litmus test in situations like this is generally: the mainstream media say the opposite of the truth. So if they say one thing, you can almost 100% guarantee the other thing is happening. They are completely unhinged and have become mafiosa, and it would serve you well to completely 100% detach from all mainstream media input into your divine consciousness.
As I spoke about in the last energy report, it is very important that we understand that our consciousness has been attempted to be hijacked by the old controllers.
Situations such as the one that we are currently in are a perfect example, whereby the old controllers wish to harness loosh power or loosh energy from the collective.
You must all take responsibility to not feed this beast any longer. We do this by turning off the news, turning off all destructive information coming into our heart, and by Sending love, sending peace, sending healing, and using the power of our spoken words to co-create the reality that we wish to experience
The energies are now building up towards the equinox. And this promises to be an extremely powerful and potent equinox for all of us on planet earth.
There is much to speak about the equinox energies as there are many astrological alignments that are occurring, that are supporting the full awakening of humanity and the stabilization of humanity in fifth-dimensional consciousness.
One of the ways that we activate this is by each of us individually finding our own way to fifth-dimensional consciousness, which simply is a case of removing the blocks and programs that have kept us in separation/duality consciousness, as opposed to oneness and truth.
I hope and pray that you take deep inspiration and medicine from these powerful, sacred words.
There is a huge amount of activity taking place within the Twin Flame Collective at the moment. And many divine unions are anchoring. This is because twin flames hold the highest sacred frequencies in the universe. And so when twins come together, having done the work to stabilize in the zero point field and are able to hold the energy and responsibility of this union, this activates the code of rapture, which are then implemented into the energetic field of Gaia. And it is this which precisely lifts Gaia out of the third dimension and into the fifth dimension.
Equinox is always an extremely powerful time for many twin flames to come together in divine recognition. And if you are reading these words, there is a strong chance that if you have been in separation from your twin flame around the equinox portal, you will experience communication from your twin flame.
It is very important that we all level up now and understand that we are creators. We are not victims of our circumstances. This is what the old controllers have entrained everyone to believe, but we are all mighty creators.
We create through our spoken word, through our intentions and through acting as if that which our heart desires has already manifested.
Now is an opportunity for you to really own your sovereignty and your full spiritual mastery as you detach from the matrix system and align with your full sovereignty codes, remembering that Mother-Father God placed a crown in your etheric field, awaiting the moment of your enlightenment, whereby you would reach into the etheric field, take your crown and place it on your own head.
It gives me great pleasure to announce that I will be hosting a transmission at 8:08 PM UK time on the 20th of March. I will be transmitting from Roslyn in Scotland, where I will be hosting my Roslyn Chapel retreat. In this transmission, we will be working to establish vibrational equilibrium with our own energetic field. We will be working to establish vibrational equilibrium internally and externally with our divine unions. We will also be doing a protocol to clear any shame and guilt as this is a huge block that prevents many twin flames from coming into physical union. We will also do a piece on earth protocol, ensuring that angelics surround the area of Europe whereby the unsettled energies are dominating.
There will be more to the equinox transmission that will be revealed in due course.
It is imperative that the ground crew come forward to participate in these transmissions, as this is an opportunity for us to deeply align our will with the will of our Divine Creator.
Please see below for full details on how to book onto the transmission, and please see below for all of my community announcements.
In love and eternal light, Jenji. and the White Wolf Tribe.
Equinox transmission
It gives me great pleasure to announce that I will be hosting a transmission at 8:08 PM UK time on the 20th of March. I will be transmitting from Roslyn in Scotland, where I will be hosting my Roslyn Chapel retreat. In this transmission, we will be working to establish vibrational equilibrium with our own energetic field. We will be working to establish vibrational equilibrium internally and externally with our divine unions. We will also be doing a protocol to clear any shame and guilt as this is a huge block that prevents many twin flames from coming into physical union. We will also do a piece on earth protocol, ensuring that angelics surround the area of Europe whereby the unsettled energies are dominating.
There will be more to the equinox transmission that will be revealed in due course.
Diamond plus mastermind
The highest mystical manifestation download has landed, that will transform the entire landscape of human consciousness, due to the depth and purity of the teachings and the transmission that has come through.
You have been handpicked as I recognise a divine light and grace within you, to be able to hold eloquently, this powerful teaching.
I would like to invite you to be held in an extremely high-level mentorship mastermind with coaches reaching six and seven-figure months.
This is only for you if you have shivers. If you don't have shivers reading this, we are not aligned.
Rosslyn Chapel Scotland retreat.
There are currently two spots available for my Rosslyn Chapel Scotland retreat. We will be working with the rose line that connects from the south of France to Scotland and moves through glastonbury, and we will be working with the lineage of Yeshua and Magdalene.
I will be sharing a ceremony that is called the Initiation of the Sisterhood and Brotherhood of the Rainbow Rose. This will be a very powerful healing, sexuality, atonement retreat, and I have hired out a castle for all of us to stay in. If you feel that you are meant to be there, please contact me under the link below.
Please know that the travel requirements to the UK have shifted and there is no need to quarantine for any international travellers. I also have an awakened travel agent called Dave Lucas, who is working with me and all the participants in the retreat to get everyone here safely without having to comply with any of the unnecessary and illogical requirements.