Twin flame ascension report: Humanity has already won....
Dearest brothers and sisters,
Greetings of the most high.
We come forward now in this moment of your time with much news to share with you ever-evolving humanity.
There is so much to share with you as ever.
It would seem that the nefarious powers are gaining traction on some level at the moment, but nothing could be further from the truth.
What you are witnessing now is the cries and the screams of a drowning rat, a rat that knows its inevitable fate and is holding on for dear life, trying to cause as much trouble in its last living moments.
We invite you to perceive the current planetary world situation from this perspective, in order to give you the higher and detached view with regards to what is unfolding on a planetary level.
What is truly occurring is an invitation for God's sacred children to step into their sovereignty codes in a full, deep and embodied way.
There is an invitation to step into sovereignty or to choose the timeline of slavery and control.
Of course, there is no judgment on anyone, whatever choices that you make. This is always between the soul and God. But the way to transcend the third-dimensional hell realm timeline is to activate your spiritual core, which holds the divine knowledge of your deep and abiding sovereignty, freedom and constitutional rights that were given to you by our creator, mother, father God.
The energies are now building up towards the day of the dead, All Hallows Eve, the time in the celestial calendar when the veil between the seen and the unseen realms is virtually obliterated.
We are all being called to gather together to hold an extremely powerful and potent ceremony on this auspicious date in order to connect the timelines within the quantum field between our ancestral lineage in the past, present and future.
I will be hosting a global ceremony on that day that will connect us deeply with seven generations behind and seven generations in front. And in this transmission, we will be clearing our core ancestral wound that we have carried for seven generations.
Please see below for full details on how to book on to the ancestor ceremony.
I am receiving constant messages at the moment of many twins coming into recognition and sacred reunion. This is absolutely unprecedented. The energies are no longer supporting karmic relationships that are based on the vibration of fear, lack and scarcity. The very definition of a karmic relationship means that it cannot withstand the vibrations of the higher dimensional codes that are pouring into the earth as we speak.
So if you are reading these words, it is very likely that you will receive some contact or connection from your twin flame in the coming days and weeks.
Please know that the 1010 transmission was extremely powerful and life changing for everybody that took part
I have received approximately 75 emails from the community explaining in depth the transformation that has taken place on a deep core emotional level
This has inspired me to introduce more emotional clearing work into the transmissions.
so therefore I am extremely excited to let you all know that in the ancestors ceremony we will do an emotional clearing protocol that will assist in the entire removal of the virus programme of shame throughout our entire ancestral lineage
I very much look forward to serving you and gathering with you all at the ancestor ceremony in love and eternal light.
Jenji and the White Wolf Tribe.
Ancestor Ceremony
It is my deepest honor to invite you to the ancestor ceremony that will take place at 8.08 PM, UK time, on the 31st of October 2021.
In this ceremony, we will connect with our seven ancestral lineages behind and seven ancestral lineages in front of us, and we will completely remove our core ancestral trauma from our deepest molecular cellular structure.
This will be an opportunity to send a blast of etheric celestial light to our entire ancestral lineage, that will assist in the clearing of many spiritual distortions that have prevented our ascension.
This is extremely important work for the collective.
In this ceremony, we will also embody our ancestral gifts in an exponential way.
We will also be working with the planetary grid to encode within the matrix full liberation for all beings and the full and actualised support of the golden age timeline for all.
Please know that there will be other aspects to their ancestors ceremony that will be revealed in due course
It's my deepest honour to host this ceremony and I very much look forward to welcoming you into the core group.
As with each ceremony, I will now be hosting an after-transmission party.
This is an opportunity for us to dive deeper into the codes that we have embodied in the transmission. And this is a chance for you to spend some very deep intimate time with me.
If you are absolutely deeply unable to send the energy exchange please contact my assistant at and she will send you the link to make a donation
here is the link to book
If the book now buttons don't work please use the following links this link is for the transmission
The full moon ceremony will take place at the full moon on the 20th of October 2021.
In this powerful masterclass, we will come together to dissect the deepest elements of manifestation mastery.
We will be coded up with profound memories from our galactic core pertaining to the full activation of our spiritual manifestation mastery gifts.
All those who come and be part of this ceremony will receive a personal blessing from the entire group as we each will focus on the manifestation of every single one of our deepest heart's desires.
We will be working with the quantum field as we know that whenever we observe something this affects the molecular patterning of that which we are observing.
This promises to be one of the most potent masterclasses I will have ever shared and this is my absolute favourite subject to be discussing at the moment.
We will cover all sorts of subject matters, such as calibration, timelines and how to work masterfully with the quantum field.
here is the link to book
here is my link tree with all the links to all my offerings