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Twin flame Ascension report: It's time to FULLY activate the armour of God

Dearest beautiful brothers and sisters,

It gives me great pleasure to come forward with this very powerful, pertinent, and important message for the Ascension community. 

Please take a moment to find a comfortable place and really open your heart to receive this message at the deepest level.

There are so many great things happening in our world at the moment, and the best analogy to grasp what is happening is the chessboard

If you can imagine, the white hats have almost cleaned the board of the black hats, leaving only a minimal number of pieces left. 

But these last few remaining pieces are doing their utmost to cause as much havoc as possible.

We are all doing so well holding the vision of the Golden Age timeline and experiencing that within our own consciousness field. However, certain challenges are coming up for many of us in these final days of the spiritual battle, and many of these issues are occurring on the astral plane.

Many of us are experiencing this spiritual battle during dream time. Some encounter body-double takeovers or "Agent Smiths" appearing as friends and family to incite fear and trauma. Others face battles with black goo, which disappears completely when confronted Completely Vanishes, leaving it so that we're punching thin air.

There is a lot of battle energy in the astral plane at the moment, which is reflecting the dark ones' (the Deletes) urge to keep battling, even though the chess game has been lost and we are virtually at checkmate.

It is very important to understand the reality of the astral plane and to know that, during these times, it is absolutely imperative for us to enter the dream time wearing the armor of God.

As we rapidly move towards the 12/12 portal, this time is deeply connected to the full emancipation of the Divine Feminine, releasing programs of people-pleasing and playing small. 

A significant aspect of the 12/12 gateway is the Activation of the seal of divine protection for all way-showers, the 144,000 starseeds  particularly in the astral plane.

I have been guided by my spirit team to focus on an exceptionally powerful protection protocol in the 12/12 transmission. 

Those who come forward to experience this will learn how to activate their seal of bulletproof protection while entering the astral planes. 

We will work strongly with the energy of Archangel Michael, the Divine Father of the 144,000 starseeds. 

In this gateway, Archangel Michael's energy is very present and strong for all of us.

For those experiencing spiritual battles in the astral, these experiences serve to remind us of our indestructibility. We are untouchable and bulletproof. We cannot be harmed on any level because we have activated the God Zone within our psychic field. 

When one embodies the vibration of the God Zone, this creates an impenetrable boundary of protection, sending a clear message to lower entities that they cannot step into this space.

These battles serve to reinforce our indestructibility, but it is still important to activate our full spiritual protection when stepping into the astral planes. 

This is not something to fear but rather a sign of how far we’ve come on the spiritual battleground.

The chess analogy is coming up strongly for many of us now as we reach an important culmination point in the multidimensional chess game we signed up to participate in. 

This is deeply connected to the Twin Flame reunion trajectory. 

As more high-level twins move closer to full physical union across all planes of consciousness, the intensity of the spiritual battle becomes more evident. This is very much tied to the mythology of Neo and Trinity in The Matrix. Always remember that when they unite, they are completely untouchable by low-dimensional forces.

The first step toward union is internal union. We cannot actualize physical union with our Twin Flame if we perceive ourselves as incomplete or remain locked in a vibration of seeking. 

It’s time to stop searching and instead bask in your inherent oneness—your true, divine, godly nature. 

As you let go of seeking, you become a vibrational match to your Twin Soul union.

Many beloveds in our community are finally coming into union across all planes of consciousness. I’ve received countless emails this week expressing gratitude for the codes I’ve shared around the Twin Flame Hieros Gamos journey. 

This work will continue, particularly as we move through the 12/12 master portal.

I look forward to being with everyone in the 12/12 transmission. 

Please see below for full details on how to attend this online Zoom ceremony.

If you are struggling with significant challenges, meditate on this: You were assigned this mountain to show that it can be moved. You have the power to visualize and script your way out of lower frequencies and lock in the highest ascension timeline for yourself and your loved ones.

We’ve got this, brothers and sisters. I cannot wait to connect with everyone at the 12/12 gateway.

12/12 Armour of God transmission

The 12/12 transmission will take place at 8:08 PM on December 12, 2024. During this  ceremony, we will work with the powerful energy of Archangel Michael, who will teach us a critical protection protocol for these times, particularly as we step into the astral plane. Activating this seal of protection is vital at this point on the ascension timeline. 

We will also engage in a collective Divine Feminine emancipation ceremony, releasing programs of martyrdom, people-pleasing, and playing small. It is time for this collective curse to be fully removed from humanity’s subconscious. Those who participate in this ceremony will have the opportunity to embody their Divine Christed Self—the wild rose within us all.

There is much more to share, and other elements of the 12/12 transmission will be revealed in due course. 

A bursary refund is available; no one will ever be turned away. 

There is also a "pay it forward" option for those in abundance. 

Choosing this option often triggers an abundance miracle to flow into your field.

Everything we’ve been taught about abundance is incorrect. The more we give, the more we attract. The more generosity we demonstrate, the more abundant we become.

I can’t wait to be with you all.

In love and eternal light,


Here are the links to book if you are viewing this on a mobile device

Waged option

pay it forward option

The Mystic's Imaginarium Oracle deck

The Mystic's Imaginarium Oracle deck is now available. It is a truly exceptional Oracle deck that is in accordance with the new earth codes and frequencies.

Here is the link to purchase this amazing Oracle deck

Jens links

I have also released Lingam Worship, which is now available to

Buy as a paperback ebook or as a audio.

Please see all the links below.

Lingam worship, a sacred sexuality guidebook for the new earth 

This book is a seed that many, many souls will receive. And each soul who reads this book will experience the flowering of their own recognition and remembrance of the divine masculine.


As a divine feminine the remembrance will come with a deep compulsion to honour and revere the divine masculines sacred phallus member, 

Everyone reading these words will collectively orchestrate a great turning of the wheel of human consciousness, moving us back towards the sacred and out of the secular. 

Quite simply we worship the lingham because the lingham is worthy of receiving devotion.

In this deep heart felt guide book Jen mccarty takes you into the heart of sacred, tantric wisdom and information that has been locked away in the tantric temples of India for millennia, and has been hidden away in stuffy academic books with no real connection with how to apply these powerful sacred sexuality teachings.

This book is an odyssey into and ancient remembrance of the role of the Holy Phallus member that has been granted to the divine masculine consciousness.

Lingam worship

This is for everyone that has been emailing me asking for a link for all my books 

Here are the links to Jen MCcartys books in order of publication

1.Law of attraction little instruction book










17. Lingam worship


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