Twin flame Ascension report: Pluto and Sun in Aquarius: Feminine Christ Gateway

Dearest beautiful brothers and sisters,
We have just experienced the powerful full moon in Cancer and are quickly approaching the sun's transition into Aquarius.
This aligns deeply with Pluto's position in Aquarius, signaling a very powerful cosmic Imbolc in this cycle.
Imbolc is one of the eight points on the medicine wheel, sitting between the winter solstice and the spring equinox.
Our ancient ancestors understood these midpoint days as holding immense cosmic and spiritual significance, They observed that on these dates, the veil between the higher dimensional realms was virtually obliterated.
Imbolc is a sacred gateway, symbolizing the stirring of the earth goddess, who has been hibernating during winter.
This energy is marked by the appearance of snowdrops, symbolizing the return of life to barren lands and heralding the coming of spring and the equinox.
Last night, I received a profound vision concerning the Imbolc gateway and its connection to the grid point of Paris, specifically Notre Dame Cathedral.
I was shown the timeline of the great purge that occurred at Notre Dame a few years ago, resulting in a devastating fire. This event, I was told, was necessary to clear out demonic forces that had taken root in the underground tunnels beneath this sacred site.
The work done on the cathedral represents a transition into a new timeline, free from the dark energies of the past.
In my vision, I was guided to visit Notre Dame Cathedral during the Imbolc gateway to hold a ceremony to activate the Olympic flame.
This flame, I was shown, is a spiritual one, representing God's powerful light being brought to Earth.
As we move rapidly out of the age of Pisces and into the age of Aquarius, my guides revealed that we are set to receive profound blessings affirming this transition.
I will be in Paris on February 1st, hosting a ceremony to honour this sacred event.
Together, as guardians of Notre Dame Cathedral, we will assist the highest angelic beings in activating the Olympic flame across all multidimensional realities.
This symbolic act will establish the divine feminine as the rightful queen on the cosmic and 3d chessboard.
For too long, patriarchy has displaced the divine feminine from her true position.
This ceremony will mark her restoration as queen and centre of the cosmic narrative.
The Imbolc gateway is deeply tied to the divine union template of Yeshua and Magdalene. Much of the separation between the divine masculine and feminine has been perpetuated by harmful programming aimed at the divine feminine.
This has caused the divine masculine to enter a state of forgetfulness, making him unable to recognise the divine feminine, even when she stands before him.
This ceremony will help remove the veils clouding the divine masculine’s perception, allowing for recognition and union with the divine feminine.
My guides have emphasized that this gateway will be pivotal for the Illumined 144,000 twin flame collective.
To participate in this ceremony is a great spiritual blessing and act of service.
Please share this message with others to extend the invitation.
2025 is poised to bring significant change. We are about to witness the inauguration of a transformative leader, signaling profound collective shifts. I am excited to join you all for the Imbolc ceremony.
In love and eternal light,Jen and the White Wolf Tribe
Details of the Imbolc Ceremony:
The Imbolc ceremony will take place at 8:08 PM (UK time) on February 1, 2025.
In this ceremony, we will work with the highest galactic beings to anchor the Olympic flame in Notre Dame Cathedral. Your presence is required to hold space and take your position alongside the highest ascended beings, masters, orbs of light, angelics, and oversoul correctors.
This is a very powerful ceremony that you are personally invited to participate in.
It will ensure that the divine feminine is deeply anchored on the multidimensional chessboard and recognised as the Divine Feminine Christ.
We will also activate a powerful protocol for the divine masculine, enabling him to remove the "glasses" of pain and doubt that have prevented him from recognising the divine feminine standing before him.
More details about the ceremony will be revealed in due course, and I cannot wait to be with you all.
Live from Paris,In love and eternal light,Jen and the White Wolf Tribe
Please note that ceremony will not take place in Notre Dame Cathedral as I will not be allowed to film in there. It will take place in a hotel hopefully within 300 yards of it.
Please know that this powerful ceremony is open to everyone, and there is a bursary fund available to ensure no one is turned away.
I look forward to connecting with all of you at this sacred event.
Love jen
If you are reading this on a mobile device, please click the link below to book your place for the imbolc ceremony.
full price
Pay it forward
When you sign up, you'll receive a PDF file with the link to the Zoom room and all the information to join the ceremony. If you do not receive that, please email me at, and I will send you the PDF.
Here is a list of some of the Benefits of Participating in Jen McCarty's Transmissions:
Spiritual Growth and Strength:
Transmissions serve as a spiritual gym, helping participants become spiritual heavyweights.
Strengthens your ability to guide and stabilize others during the time of revelation and the great shift.
Inner Peace and Groundedness:
Offers an extraordinary level of abiding peace and stability in your consciousness field.
Anchors participants in the present moment, which is the spiritual home all mystics speak of.
Eradicates anxiety, fear, and lack programming by grounding you in the now.
Eliminates worry and allows you to bask in your true divine nature.
Vibrational Elevation:
Exponentially raises your vibration, making you magnetic to children, animals, and other high-vibration beings.
Clears karmic patterns, activating positive karma within your personal evolutionary path.
Twin Flame Connection:
Many participants report being contacted by their twin flame during or within 24 hours of the transmissions.
Collective Empowerment:
Aligning with the benevolent truth of God strengthens humanity's collective consciousness.
Acts as a profound rebellion against old controllers, accelerating the timeline for heaven on Earth.
Service to the Greater Good:
Participating in these ceremonies contributes to world meditations, an act that clears individual and collective karma.
Enhances the collective vibration and supports the manifestation of a harmonious future.
Life-Changing Upgrades:
Each transmission offers participants profound spiritual upgrades, leading to transformative personal and collective experiences.
By joining these sacred ceremonies, you contribute to your personal growth and to the collective ascension, becoming an anchor of peace and a beacon of light for humanity.
Here is the link to purchase the very important 12.12 transmission
Here is the link to purchase the very important Financial Abundance Masterclass
Here is the link to purchase the VIP bundle which includes lots of amazing extras to get you started on the path of financial freedom. This bundle includes the financial abundance masterclass and it has been 70% discounted for 24 hours…
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