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Twin Flame Ascension report: powerful Cancer Moon emotional reset for groundcrew

Dearest beautiful brothers and sisters,

Greetings at the most high. We come forward now, in this moment of your time, with much news to share with you of evolving humanity.

There is much to discuss in this ascension report and it would serve you well to drop into your heart space and really deeply receive this transmission.

There has been a huge energetic shift taking place with the recent full moon in Cancer. This has been an extremely powerful experience for many of us on the ascending path, as it aligned with Mercury positioning retrograde.

This has activated for many of us in the community, a very deep release of many old thought forms that are no longer serving us.

Many of us have been releasing profound levels of grief that have been unconsciously stored in our body. If you have been crying in the last few days and feeling very emotional, please understand that you are part of a wave that is experiencing this extremely powerful upgrade.

The purging energy that was activated around the full moon in Cancer is opening up space now for many people to have a profound upgrade, spiritually, emotionally, and etherically.

It would serve you well to deeply support your body in this transformational process by aligning with herbs and flower essences and meditation protocols that will bring your nervous system great solace and calm.

The energies are now building up towards the 2/2 Imbolc portal transmission.

Imbolc is an extremely powerful and potent ceremony in the pagan calendar and is deeply connected to the goddess Brigid and her guardianship over the sacred land of Albion.

In the 2/2 transmission, we will be actually participating in an Imbolc ceremony.

Participating in pagan ceremonies connects us deeply to our ancestral roots and activates codes within our psyche and consciousness that will enable us to fully remember who we are on a multidimensional level.

In the 2/2 transmission we will be activating a very beautiful and exquisite blessing for all twin flames divine unions, and we will be working with the entities of Imbolc to orchestrate the divine wedding ceremony of the Green Man and the Goddess.

Imbolc is a very powerful, auspicious time as it represents the sleeping goddess finally having a stretch deep underneath the earth and wiping the sleep out of her long winter eyes. At the time of Imbolc, the snowdrops appear on the earth symbolising the promise that spring is truly on its way and that we have passed the darkest hour and we are heading back towards the summer solstice energies.

Humanity has come so far in the last few months. So many people have woken up, so many people have transformed on a spiritual level, so many people have activated deep spiritual maturity codes within them.

We are on the precipice of witnessing a huge breakdown of the dominant narrative that has consumed everyone's consciousness for the last two years.

This is because of the frequency of humanity and the fact that we have held the line. It is very important that we carry on holding the line and it is very important that we carry on holding everyone to account who has perpetrated crimes towards humanity, even though the narrative is collapsing and imploding upon itself and we are witnessing the fall of London Bridge in real time.

It is very, very important that we do not take our eye off the ball and we pursue every avenue of discord and treason and hold these puppets to account.

Hold the line now, brothers and sisters, you are the new earth.

You are the portal that births and anchors the new earth.

You align with new earth by understanding that the present moment is the culmination point for the soul's journey.

The more you can anchor your consciousness in the present moment, the more you will be a true living portal for the new earth to stream through you.

When we align with these codes and frequencies, we are so extremely powerful and we trump and surpass all lower frequencies.

You are the fulfilment of the prayer that your ancestors prayed for. Thank you for being here at this time.

Please see below for full details on how to book onto the 2/2 Imbolc transmission

in love and eternal light Jenji and the White Wolf tribe.

The 2/2 Imbolc transmission will take place eight minutes past 8:00 PM on the 2nd of February, which will be the 2/2 portal. In this ceremony, we will work with the goddess Brigid and we will participate in a very beautiful Imbolc ceremony.

We will be activating the hieros gamos codes of the Green Man and the Goddess and we will be experiencing a profound twin flame blessing working with the sacred energies of Bridie and the sacred Isle of Avalon.

In this transmission, we will also be ensuring that all treasonous puppets are brought to account and we will be aligning with that timeline of retribution and karmic payment for all puppets that have caused harm to humanity.

It's my deepest honour to serve you, my beautiful brothers and sisters, and I cannot wait to be with you on the 2/2 transmission.

Please no the other aspects to the 2.2 transmission which will be revealed in due course

Please know, I will be hosting an after party after the transmission, which will be a sacred opportunity for us to go even deeper into the codes and spend intimate time together.

I have also bought through a 21-day nervous system recalibration challenge.

I have created a 21-day protocol, which you can start at any time that you like.

This is inspired from my 21-day nervous system container and I have made it available for people that are not able to make the investment in a high-ticket event, such as a container.

There are 21 different protocols, including meditations, exercises and written transmissions that will bring great healing, calm and solace to your nervous system.

It is very important that we understand that having a stabilised nervous system is the foundation of our spiritual destiny. And now, in January 2022, would be a perfect time for you to address this very, very important issue.

Here is the link to purchase the nervous system challenge.

I am Absolutely delighted to announce that I am going to be hosting an in-person retreat in Rosslyn, in Scotland, on the weekend of the 20th to the 23rd of March.

This will be on the weekend of the March Equinox.

We will be working with the Holy Grail codes and connecting to the lineage of Yeshua and Magdalene.

I will also be facilitating the sisterhood and brotherhood of the Rainbow Rose healing protocol. I have booked us a 13-bedroom castle to stay in, and this will be a fully residential retreat.

I have made the costs extremely minimal to ensure that it is made accessible to everyone in the community.

There are currently two spots available. Here is the link to book.

There are going to be changes in Team Jen. From now on, in the transmissions, after parties and the containers, I will not be answering personalised questions.

Instead, I'm going to be opening up a mastermind group, whereby there will be an opportunity for us to go on a very deep journey together, and you will have the opportunity to receive tailor-made guidance from me in a group coaching setting.

If you are interested in joining my mastermind, I'm currently taking emails for the wait list.

Please send me your email to and I will contact you when I launch the mastermind.

I will be hosting a three-day twin-flame master class on the 4th, 5th and 6th of February, and I will be sending out an invitation to everyone on my subscription list to come and participate in this three-day free twin play master class soon.


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