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Twin flame Ascension report: Mother Gaia has been fully liberated from the curse of the old world

Dearest brothers and sisters, greetings of the Most high.

We come forward now in this moment of your time with much news to share with you, ever evolving humanity.

We have just come out of the extremely powerful Equinox gateway and now we are in the most sacred time of balance whereby we experience 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of sunlight.

As the sun continues on its ecliptic path, we are now entering the time which is symbolic of the soul's descent into materialism -as we move into the energies of Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius.

It's very important for everyone reading these words to understand that we have just come through the most significant timeline shift of our evolutionary process Thus far, and the Divine Mother has been set free.

It has been a very messy timeline that we have had to deal with in order to free Mother Gaia from the deeply atrocious actions and abuse that she has been subjected to.

However, all of our prayers, all of our kindness and service and Devotion towards serving the light have created an energetic frequency that is enabling the divine mother to finally be liberated from the clutches of terror and abuse.

From the perspective of the highest spiritual realms, if only you could see what we can see: -The liberation of Mother Gaia has now has been completely successful. However, there has been a very, very messy fallout from the final stance/ the final action of liberation that was needed to free the divine mother from the lower dimensional prison that she found herself in.

The implications for humanity are infinite, and please note that this frequency of liberation is resounding throughout the universe, uplifting the entire collective consciousness, not only within this octave but also within the higher Octaves.

The implications of the liberation of Mother Gaia are so far reaching that it would take an entire encyclopedia to explain, but I will share some of the benefits which we will now begin to witness.

The timeline for divine love twin flame unification has been cleared. This will deeply support in the successful reunion now of a huge wave of twin flames who have soul contracted to come into union.

In this gateway, many people will experience spontaneous healing, particularly for head issues such as migraines and headaches.

This could even affect people with brain tumours, and the reason for this is that the higher frequencies have stabilized in the collective field, which is now collapsing all the lower frequency patternings that have brought on many of these head-related physical symptoms.

This will also deeply affect you if you are suffering from vertigo or dizziness as well.

Other benefits are health issues on the whole are going to shift for many reading these words, and the miracle will now be able to be magnetized into your energetic field.

This is such a powerful gateway, but it is very important to stress that we are in the beginning of this new timeline and therefore the old frequencies are still somewhat dying out and presenting as chaos and mess in the collective field.

It is highly advisable that you do not focus your attention on the chaos or mess, and that you focus only on that which you wish to intend to manifest.

It's very important in this powerful, energetic gateway, as we move into the 10:10 gateway, that everyone understands the importance of taking inventory of one's negative thoughts and programs and finds a way to clear out, purge, and release those negative thought forms.

This gateway is deeply supporting you to come into the full realization that you are the only operant power in your YOU-niverse.

Every single thing that you experience is connected to a frequency that you have believed.

In order to have different experiences, you need to start choosing different thoughts and different beliefs.

Please know that your higher self is deeply supporting you in this gateway to attain full mastery over your monkey mind.

We are now rapidly moving into the 10:10 energetic gateway, which is connected to the eclipse season, which as we all know is connected to endings and new beginnings.

In the 10:10 ceremony, we are being guided to remove the programs of the old Earth that caused emotional suffering, and we are being guided to activate the peace code within and without.

It is very important that we focus now on activating resolution in the Middle East and we are going to be focused on a very, very powerful and important peace protocol for the conflict in the Middle East.

Our intention is to end for the war in Israel and release the war program from the collective field through working with the angelics.

As we clear this energy from the Middle East, we will also be clearing all of the frequencies within our own field pertaining to war, conflict, and competition.

There are many other elements to the 10:10 transmission which will be revealed in due course.

Please know that this powerful eclipse gateway whilst the sun is in the constellation of Libra this is such an exciting for the Twin Flame Collective.

Expect contact from your Twin Flame

Know that your twin flame cannot stop thinking of you

If you are in separation they are checking out your social media.

You I'm more loved than you can ever comprehend

You have nothing to fear

Love always wins in the end.

In love and eternal light

Jen and the white wolf tribe

1010 online ceremony

It gives me great pleasure to announce that I will be hosting an online ceremony to mark the 1010 numerological portal date. 

The ceremony will take place at 8:08 pm UK time on the 10th of October. 

We will activate an extraordinary liberation protocol for mother, Gaia, celebrating the fact that she has finally been released from the clutches of the Lower dimensional hell realms.

This is deeply connected to a peace protocol that the ground crew are being guided to facilitate in order to bring peace to the Middle East.

The land of Israel and Palestine are extremely important places on the spiritual level and the trauma on these lines is part of the agenda to keep the Earth destabilised. 

Once there is peace in the Middle East peace will rain throughout the entire earth plane.

This is deeply connected to the activation of the peace codon within our own akashik field.

All those who come forward to participate in the ceremony will receive an extraordinary blessing, with regards to their personal evolutionary trajectory.

There are other elements to the 1010 ceremony which will be revealed in due course 

Please know that the moment that you book onto this transmission your Higher Self will start preparing your energetic field for this huge upgrade that the 1010 portal promises.

Please know that no one has ever been turned away from the ceremonies that I host there is a bursary fund available and a pay it forward option for members of our community who wish to support other members

Here are the links to book if you are viewing this on a mobile device

Waged option

pay it forward option

The Mystic's Imaginarium Oracle deck

The Mystic's Imaginarium Oracle deck is now available. It is a truly exceptional Oracle deck that is in accordance with the new earth codes and frequencies.

Here is the link to purchase this amazing Oracle deck

Jens links

I have also released Lingam Worship, which is now available to

Buy as a paperback ebook or as a audio.

Please see all the links below.

Lingam worship, a sacred sexuality guidebook for the new earth 

This book is a seed that many, many souls will receive. And each soul who reads this book will experience the flowering of their own recognition and remembrance of the divine masculine.


As a divine feminine the remembrance will come with a deep compulsion to honour and revere the divine masculines sacred phallus member, 

Everyone reading these words will collectively orchestrate a great turning of the wheel of human consciousness, moving us back towards the sacred and out of the secular. 

Quite simply we worship the lingham because the lingham is worthy of receiving devotion.

In this deep heart felt guide book Jen mccarty takes you into the heart of sacred, tantric wisdom and information that has been locked away in the tantric temples of India for millennia, and has been hidden away in stuffy academic books with no real connection with how to apply these powerful sacred sexuality teachings.

This book is an odyssey into and ancient remembrance of the role of the Holy Phallus member that has been granted to the divine masculine consciousness.

Lingam worship

This is for everyone that has been emailing me asking for a link for all my books 

Here are the links to Jen MCcartys books in order of publication

1.Law of attraction little instruction book










17. Lingam worship

18. Lingam Worship AUDIO


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