Twin flame ascension report: Get your popcorn out for Red October and scorpio season......

Dearest brothers and sisters,
Greetings of the most high. We come forward now, in this sacred moment of your time with much news to share with you, ever-evolving humanity.
There are so many vibrational shifts that are taking place on the higher dimensional realms at the moment. And only the most spiritually astute of you will be able to ascertain exactly how these shifts are filtering down into the collective consciousness.
We come forward with this message to say that truly the light has already won. And the Holy Grail has been returned to its current resting place, which is underneath the River Thames in the United Kingdom.
This was a vibrational quest, which was extremely successful, and it was touch and go for a while. But all of the ascended beings in the angelic realm would like to inform humanity that the quest has been successful and the Holy Grail has now been safely returned to its current resting place.
What this means is that the earth consciousness has shifted out of the polarity of darkness into one of light. This means that many, many souls are currently going through an awakening process as we speak.
This would not have happened if the collective consciousness had not reached a certain critical mass. And the fact that the Holy Grail has now been restored and returned back to its current resting place is vibrational proof that the shift truly has been activated.
This has had a huge knock-on effect to the moon matrix and has activated a huge purging, of nefarious frequencies that were stuck in the moon matrix.
The moon now has been taken over by the fairy realm and there are huge celebrations taking place in the moon matrix currently. This is deeply connected to the Venusian frequencies, which are currently ruling and overriding the moon energy at the moment.
All of this is deeply connected to the current portals that we are aligning with, the first one being the Samhein portal in the Northern hemisphere and the 11/11 numerological master portal.
The energies are now building up towards the Samhain portal. And it is very important that we as a collective consciousness flip the current paradigm, which celebrates zombies and ghouls during the time of Halloween.
We are being called to reconstruct this narrative to ensure that the angelic realm, the elemental beings, and many of the highest sprites take centre stage on this day.
The time of samhain refers to the thinning of the veil between the higher dimensional realms and the lower dimensional realms. And on this particular portal date notoriously, it is well known that the veil is extremely thin.
On this date, we will be doing an extremely important ceremony that is dedicated to our ancestors…..this ceremony will specifically assist us to clear away forever our most intense ancestral burden.
For many of us, this will be abuse, mental illness, narcissism, and unfathomable trauma, which was never processed.
We carry these ancestral patterns until one of the ancestors truly awakens into God-consciousness and entirely removes all residue of that pattern from the ancestral lineage.
To everyone that is vibrationally drawn to these words, please understand that you are the one in your family lineage that has signed up in this role.
Please see below for full details on the Ancestor ceremony.
There are many different aspects which will also be included in this ceremony. One of them will be a restoration of the joy frequency into the hearts and souls of all the children on the earth, enabling them to ride the waves of planetary transformation that we are all experiencing.
I am currently receiving many emails from many people in the community who are finally being contacted by their twin after a long time of separation. It always fills heart with such joy to hear of these sacred reunions.
It is very important that everyone understands that the universe will no longer be supporting karmic relationships that are grounded in lack and scarcity and are out of alignment with one's true self codes.
Many of these relationships are collapsing in real-time as we speak. And many of the divine masculines are finally accepting that it is impossible to reconstruct a collapsed tower.
This is great news is for many of the divine feminines who have been doing all of the work on the inner plains to align vibrationally with these powerful twin flame unions.
It gives me great pleasure to also announce the fact that I will be hosting a twin flame container in the next few weeks to enable members of the community to dive deep into all aspects of the twin flame phenomena in order to become an actualized embodiment of the codes that will enable you to attract your twin flame union on the physical plane in hyper speed.
Please see below for the details of the upcoming container.
In love and eternal light, Jenji and the White Wolf Tribe.
Ancestor Ceremony
It is my deepest honor to invite you to the ancestor ceremony that will take place at 8.08 PM, UK time, on the 31st of October 2021.
In this ceremony, we will connect with our seven ancestral lineages behind and seven ancestral lineages in front of us, and we will completely remove our core ancestral trauma from our deepest molecular cellular structure.
This will be an opportunity to send a blast of etheric celestial light to our entire ancestral lineage, that will assist in the clearing of many spiritual distortions that have prevented our ascension.
This is extremely important work for the collective.
In this ceremony, we will also embody our ancestral gifts in an exponential way.
We will also be working with the planetary grid to encode within the matrix full liberation for all beings and the full and actualised support of the golden age timeline for all.
Please know that there will be other aspects to their ancestors ceremony that will be revealed in due course
It's my deepest honour to host this ceremony and I very much look forward to welcoming you into the core group.
As with each ceremony, I will now be hosting an after-transmission party.
This is an opportunity for us to dive deeper into the codes that we have embodied in the transmission. And this is a chance for you to spend some very deep intimate time with me.
If you are absolutely deeply unable to send the energy exchange please contact my assistant at and she will send you the link to make a donation
Reserve your place on the ancestors ceremony using the buttons below

I am offering everyone who received this blog the opportunity to go on the pre-book list for my upcoming
Twin flame container.....
Have you been calling in a specific protocol to assist you to manifest your twin flame
Are you ready to commit to a life changing spiritual practice that will bring you eternal and abiding happiness and satisfaction and fulfilment with your best friend throughout eternity,
Are you ready to work closely with a powerful spiritual mentor to calibrate to her field
Are you ready to experience the life of your dreams
If you said yes then you are ready for this work.....
please click the link below to put your name on the prebook list
Everyone who signs up on the pre-book list will be invited to participate in this life changing container for A huge 75% discount,