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Twin flame energy report post 28th Sept


Dearest beloveds,

We come forward now in this moment of your time to offer you some insights regarding this monumental energetic gateway that you are all walking through right now. Indeed we bring forward the rejoiceful news that many of you have truly crossed over this threshold, and are now stabilised in fifth dimensional consciousness.

This time of Ascension has brought with it the secure recognition of the identity of the one who stands before you on the physical plane or in the higher fifth dimensional realms of consciousness as the true beloved consort of your soul. This recognition is an automatic by product of anchoring in fifth dimensional consciousness, and this knowing is now catalysing the heart to release its nectar of unconditional love…... which is the core energetic foundation of the fifth dimension.

Please understand beloveds that monumental work has been achieved by many of you to have got to this point within Earth's planetary Ascension trajectory, and this collective circle of light workers who have now stabilised in 5D consciousness, are now on their predestined soul agreed grid points and stand as a team, as a band of light workers connecting up all the sacred points on gaia's grid.

During this monumental time in earth's ascension this is now activating what is known as the firing of the Grid, and we tell you in earnest that this lunar eclipse that was upon us has been doing exactly that.

It has been no easy feat, the full physical reunion of the illumined twin flames, but please understand that great great work has been achieved, and much clearing has occurred within a vast number of your timelines now. We speak particularly about the timeline of Atlantis whereby the illumined twin flames experienced their first separation which caused a tear in their souls. This lifetime of Atlantis is at the root of many of the lifetimes which have preceded it which have seen twin flames somewhat stuck in the the dance of separation. However due to the hitherto collective stabilising into 5D consciousness this energy is now ushering in en masse the complete healing and transformation of this timeline and thus the reunion of the masculine twin flames with their divine spiritual feminine twin flame counterparts. ( we will be speaking more in depth about this timeline in our next article)

The magnitude of this master plan has required enough of you to be stabilised in higher consciousness that you may stand as empty and clear Channel remembering who you are as source beings, in service, with your heart fully activated and attuned to the Almighty frequency of Unconditional love…... now enough of you are holding this stabilised frequency, this is the power and the might that will usher forwards the male twin flames counterparts on a collective level to take their place on the physical plane by the side of their feminine Divine Beloveds.

From our higher dimensional perspective we are overjoyed with the timelines we see before us and we send our deepest gratitude for all the work you have diligently done with regards to clearing these residual dark timelines/soul memories that have been stored in your cells and muscles.

To those whom we speak to tonight you will be experiencing at the moment an intense activation of the Ascension portals and high-frequency stations that reside in your physical body. All of these organs and higher dimensional psychic stations are being fully and completely activated at the moment by the gamma rays coming forth from Galactic central sent forth as Golden spirals, interlocking with your DNA matrix patterning, and thus awakening your pineal Centre, pituitary glands and higher heart consciousness….

Well done beloveds you are all doing so well, if you are feeling overwhelmed by the intensity of the metamorphosis that is under way in your psyche at these times please feel free to reach out for support to our beloved channel. we are witnessing profoundly deep shifts in these healing sessions at the moment, as there is a very direct and swift transference of the higher dimensional template to the one who comes forward to do this sacred work….

You are all doing so well and we send our love to you and our deepest gratitude for the amazing work that you are all doing....

At the centre of your being exists a calm stillness and abiding as the one whom observes all phenomena passing through while eternally remaining untouched and as an empty vessel....... that God's grace may come forward and fill thy earthly cup.

We love you and we have come forward to be in service to you.

All is well beloveds.

God's great master plan is well underway…

white wolf tribe....

Twin flame energy report Mercury direct

Dearest beloveds.

We come through now, in this hour of your time to congratulate you on the most pristine higher dimensional consciousness many of you have now stabilised in, due to your focus on the task at hand to meet, love, and embrace, all the darkest aspects of your being.

This has precipitated the great great changes that are now rapidly permeating throughout Mother Gaia, and right now we are overjoyed to share that even your 3d news is being bombarded with reports of paradigm shifting occurrences, that are taking place on an unprecedented level all around your planet at the moment. We refer here to some examples of this such as female circumcision being finally banned in Nigeria, many many countries also banning GMO’s and fracking, the rise of high vibrating political candidates such as Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbin, alternative services being offered on the NHS such as spiritual healing and Reiki, and the government of India saying yes to free technology…...These are just a few examples of how Gaia's higher vibratory frequency is transforming even what appeared to be the most solid of structures and institutions.

Beloveds the tide has truly turned and many of you of course are feeling this very much at these times. with regards to the illumined twin flame trajectory we would like to speak a bit about the time of Atlantis and how healing this timeline is crucial in implementing the full victory of God's plan regarding twin flame reunion……

Within the vast journey your souls have been on, there have been core times whereby you experienced separation from your twin flame. One of those times was during the time of Atlantis.

Up until and during much of the time of Atlantis, the twin flames had incarnated peacefully and triumphantly upon the earthly plane... however during this time whereby the quarantine of gaia was removed, the earth was bombarded by lower dimensional forces which lured many of the masculine twin flames away from their beloveds, and off to serve in the dark ones war agenda.

Unfortunately this did occur and many twin flames experienced the first tear in their union, which infiltrated into all of their subtle bodies….. the memory and the trauma of the split has laid at an unconscious level of many of the Twin flames, and has manifested as many lifetimes of separation that have ensued.

However this current energetic gateway is overseeing the complete healing transformation and restoration of this timeline. which is achieved through intention, visualisation, and will.

Previously to this tear in the Twin flames energy bodies, the divine union template of Magdalene and Yeshua had been actualised within the earth's seal, but at the monumental time when many of the male twin flames chose to separate from their divine counterparts…. this created a distortion of the sacred flow between the masculine and feminine energies on the earthly plane……. this was always the plan of the dark ones and in many ways one could say that their plan was successful….. however we come forth today with a reminder that the agenda of the dark ones only ever came about to serve the light….. for everything that ever perceives itself as separate will inevitably one day return home back to the light….. to sacred union….. beloveds we encourage you and empower you to visualise the transformation of the collective twin flame timeline at the time of Atlantis…...transform that timeline and create a new one, whereby your twin flame turns around and makes the choice to return to you……. this is an exceptionally powerful healing tool you have at your disposal right now to assist in this current wave of union of illumined twin flames.

To those whom we speak to tonight, we applaud you for the clarity of your soul song which has attracted these sacred healing words into your heart consciousness, we bow to you most luminescent ones.. devotees of the holy Grail…. everything is occurring in divine timing, fully aligned with God's higher plan and grace.

At these times where it feels like you are continually being tested, allow the deepest darkest aspects of your ego shadow self to be met with the pure unconditional love of your higher self…... continue to have faith in this great grand love story….. Your soul knows the hows and the ways to lead you back onto your beloveds keeping.

Rest deeply now beloveds all is truly well…

Rest deeply now beloveds…... what has always existed in the higher dimensional fields of consciousness is now rapidly configuring into your hearts reality on the third dimension…

Faith truly does move mountains…. as the point of power lies with the observer…. if the observer sees the mountain move then there is nothing for the mountain to do but move…

All matter was designed to bend to the mighty will of God's beloved daughter and son……. rise up now in your full glory as an awakened director, writer and actor who is acting out the knowing of their heart as if it has already happened…

we leave you now with these words of comfort and encouragement from our hearts to yours……...

Please feel free to reach out for a one to session….. I offer psychic and intuitive higher self guidance designed to activate your full stabilising in 5D consciousness, which is the fundamental energetic prerequisite to unite with your twinflame…


Twin Flame energy Super mOOn in Taurus

Dearest beloveds,

We come through now, in this hour of your time, to offer you some insights into the recent energetics that are surrounding mother gaia during these times.Before we begin we would just like to take a moment to say thank you to all of the people who have written to us and sent emails of gratitude and sharings of the ways these energy reports have bought healing and great comfort to you during these transformative times. We are overjoyed and overwhelmed at the response that we have received and the profound vibrational shifts that are occurring in many people's lives who are regularly reading these you we would like to send out a message of deep gratitude and joy that these transmissions are being received in such a pure and gracious way...

As we are all aware Gaia triumphantly stepped through an extremely important Ascension portal on the 28th September 2015. On This date the earth's electromagnetic field began to vibrate at a particular harmonic resonance akin to fifth dimensional consciousness… this was also accompanied by a critical mass of illumined Twin flames, who, on that day, stepped into, and stabilized in their own fifth dimensional awareness.

This has precipitated many vast changes that are abound on the planet at this time, changes are rapidly manifesting within your political arenas and U turns are the order of the day within the highest political offices at this time. As the energy of light is finally taking precedence over the energy of darkness.

This is a most joyful message that we share with you dear beloved children of Gaia, you have all done so well with your own personal ascension journeys and we wish to share our gratitude with you for your commitment to this path of self realisation.

In our last article we spoke about the importance and necessity of aligning with your beloved I AM presence. We have received a number of emails from people asking us to go further in depth with regards to practical actions you can take to rest in this sacred space of being.

Firstly we would like to say that to align with ones I AM Presence, one must attain a level of quietness and stillness within their own being that they may hear the silent voice of the heart.

The quiet voice of the heart exists within, yet third dimensional consciousness has very much overpowered this small voice, therefore to align with your I AM Presence one must pay attention to this voice, take heed of its guidance, and trust in it..

As you follow this guidance, you will meet with your destiny

To align with your I am presence we recommend drinking water that is slightly above room temperature as this is an extremely invigorating and cleansing tonic for your cells and your organs, particularly your higher dimensional consciousness stations within your earthly body. Keeping them hydrated in this manner is essential in keeping your frequency aligned with your I am presence…

We also recommend walking barefoot on the earth every day, as the recent bombardment of Gamma Rays from the Central Sun are being particularly picked up and channelled through nature and the elemental Kingdom. When you go outside and you connect your bare feet to the earth…. this grounds and anchors your own electromagnetic energy field and tunes your frequency to that of Mother Gaia. In turn, as you receive these pristine frequencies that are flooding her etheric field this activates Gaia's medicinal frequencies to activate with your own energy body to bring forth assimilation grace ease and greater degrees of well being….

One who is fully awakened to their I AM Presence will have experienced the Hieros Gamos which is the sacred alchemical marriage of the divine masculine and feminine energies within one's own being. This alchemical union can be cultivated through visualisation and meditation, whereby you, the initiate can visualise the two kundalini serpent snakes at the base of your spine meeting and intertwining and beginning their ascent of all your chakras. When you visualise this, this activates your 12th dimensional chakra system to transfer and transpose its cohesive template of wholeness, completion, and sacred union with divine self and your beloved, into your physical earthly vessel..

This is a most powerful tool that you have at your disposal to fully come into alignment with your I am presence... the Diamond Christed being that you truly are...

We also highly recommend surrounding yourself as much as possible with high-frequency music which activates feelings of bliss and joy in your being. As you cultivate and emit these high frequency energetics, this naturally attunes you with your fifth dimensional consciousness a.k.a. your I am presence.

As ever we come forth to remind you that it is highly recommend you master the art of training yourself to stop thinking whenever you naturally remember to do so at any point in your day. whether your thoughts are interesting, exciting, boring, blissful, frightening, or mundane, we remind you that to practice training yourself to stop your train of thoughts and bring your awareness to the present moment, enables the great I am presence within... the super consciousness field of all that is…….. to merge with your own energetic field….

Dearest beloveds, we wish to share now with you an extremely powerful and potent analogy that explicitly describes the process of manifestation from the realm of thought and idea into the realm of physical earthly matter..

Every time u send a desire wish or intention out to the universe the field of infinite potential, your higher God self rushes forth with the precise mold that is required in the etheric and astral realms, that this template (thought/idea) may identically transpose into the 3rd dimension, in divine timing, This process can be very much likened to a statue maker pouring gold into a mold, when the idea is in its liquid form in the mold, this is where the faculty of unfaltering trust in your higher self is required, as that energy is what solidifies the mold into its form, however if at this time one takes on, and buys into thoughts of doubt and fear, this is much like the mold being separated too soon, and the whole thing pours out........ Or as one of the greatest teachers of the law of attraction Robert Collier so eloquantly says...

"What so ever you ask for when you pray believe that you receive it and you shall have it. whatever you want, make your mental hold, then throw your net around the flux necessary to fill it. And hold onto it. Until that flux has hardened. it is yours you, have it, you have only to believe, to know that you have it, in order to give that flux time to harden so that all can see it.But to lose faith is to pull away the mould while your flux is still liquid, it will run like Quiksilver in all directions, and you have to start all over again, making a new mould, casting your net around new energy, starting again to give it time to harden and become manifest" ~ R.Collier

Therefore we say unto you, and fervently remind you that within your I am presence lies an unfaltering anchoring to the frequency of trust and faith, and truly these energies are what is vital to bring your manifestation into being.

We hope this has offered you great inspiration and clarity as you move forward now in your lives remembering “ask and it is given” is the primary axiom of all matter, you are all God's children and your inheritance is your birthright...

If you feel called to reach out for a one-to-one session with me please feel free to do so I work on a psychic and intuitively gifted level to assist you in removing blocks to your union and fully stabilising and aligning with your I am presence. This is done through sharing specific vibrational attunements and unique fifth dimensional healing modalities…

with love

In closing We would like to share with you an article that is extremely resonant with our beloved channel, and in many ways accurately sums up the predominant energetics at these times....

please enjoy

An hour of power is upon us as the Sun will soon enter the House of Scorpio to form a supernatural conjunction with the mythic deity Apollo who is known in the Book of Revelation as the “angel of the abyss.” Over the next 29 days we will all enjoy powerful opportunities to redeem and transform dark, wounded, and depleted areas of our lives, areas which have yet to fully recover from the extreme soul-testing and underworld journey that was Saturn in Scorpio. As the Sun shines through the house of death keep divine metamorphosis in mind as the cosmic time has come for it!

I predict the following events, themes, and sensations to manifest during the Sun’s transit of Scorpio:

  • Lazarus-like events in seemingly hopeless areas of our lives

  • fortunate transferences of wealth, power, resources, and influence

  • mystical and medical healings of the mind, body, and soul

  • the eradication of sources of pain, fear, disease, and poverty

  • spiritual cleansings of people, places, and things

  • forced exorcisms ordained between the Scorpio Sun and Uranus in Aries

  • the rehabilitation of weaknesses in all forms and magnitudes

  • astonishing spiritual revelations and experiences with the afterlife

  • the divine enhancement of all righteously used psychic abilities

  • the stripping of power from all who have formerly abused it

  • positive transformations in economic status

  • illumination of the most sacred and secret kind

  • long-awaited transformations in health, vitality, and physical ability

  • the conquering of personal demons

  • connection with life-saving partners, servants, authorities, and professionals

  • endowments of genuine, life-altering spiritual power and ability

  • the purging of sin and vice from within through divine assistance

  • the metaphysical healing of wounded psyches

  • the initiation and advancement of all forms of healing therapies, tests, and procedures

  • and fateful opportunities to transform or elevate career, employment, and service

Resurrection Season

We are soon to enter the time of year when lives are reborn and redeemed by the divine influence of the Scorpio Sun. The ancient theme of resurrection will be coming to life in mundane, mystical, and esoteric forms. This is a sacred time of the year when soul searching can yield the greatest of treasures, when the discoveries of the inner journey can catalyze magnificent external transformations that can resurrect or empower lost portions of our lives.

God will be helping us to confront and conquer our shadows, our fears, our weaknesses, and our pains to prepare us for the new life promised beyond the next new moon in Scorpio. Great transformations in our quality of life will be occurring in the weeks ahead as this new cycle begins. These transformations will be potent, profound, and long-awaited in nature. Deaths and rebirths will abound as power and wealth are redistributed all over the world.

What's Mine Is Yours

When the benefic stars transit Scorpio we gain access to the resources or properties of others. We are also presented with fortunate opportunities to exchange forms of wealth with one another in mutually beneficial ways. It is wise to release all which is non-essential in sale, barter, or charity toward that which is essential to our present needs. It's time to shed old skin to allow the new coats which have been incubating all year long to shine through. Detach from all which limits you, within and without, to rise with this Sun of the phoenix.

Sudden Endings

Sometimes souls cling to the very things which bind them. The Scorpio Sun is the one which severs these bonds whether they are mental, emotional, economic, psychic, or sexual so that the soul can enter new and desperately needed growth cycles. If you have felt stagnant or trapped in any way, shape, or form listen to me very closely: Now is the time to release, transform, and evolve. The cosmic energy is there for you to succeed, all you have to do is act upon what you know to be right deep within your heart. Don't fear the endings that will lead you to brilliant new beginnings.

Interpersonal Power Shifts

Over the next few months there will be great shifts of power within all human relationships. The power will be shifting so that the virtuous will wield more of it. Social masks will also be peeled back and ripped off so that harmful deceptions and ongoing manipulations can be rectified. Lies and illusions melt beneath the rays of the Scorpio Sun. Some of us will see the darker, hidden natures of others in the near future. Social circles will be evolving so that those of the higher vibrations continually find and bond with one another. If you find yourself wielding more power all of a sudden be sure to be responsible with it.


New spiritual initiations will be occurring during the transit of this Scorpio Sun. Mystical messengers, messages, and signs in all forms will soon become abnormally abundant. As they come the Sun's rays, dyed with the Scorpio essence, will be expanding and sharpening our psychic and intuitive senses. Synchronicities will become much more subtle and much more powerful. Those who identify as mystics, seekers, and lightworkers will find themselves walking mysterious new paths in secret. In alchemy initiates are often blind folded. The advice here is to take one step at a time, to be fearless, and to be highly investigative of the divine clues, codes, and riddles that find you, especially in the dream time...


Regeneration is one of the magic words of Scorpio. Our bodies were designed to constantly regenerate so that we can enjoy a mysterious longevity. Take time during the next four weeks to find extraordinary ways to regenerate yourself as this is the natural time of the solar year to do so. Take every opportunity to heal, recover, recharge, detoxify, and transform so that you are more rested, more vital, more nourished, and more balanced. Extraordinary methods, resources, and social connections will be entering to help us regenerate with power and style.


Transmutation is defined as, "the act of changing one substance, state, or form into another." To an alchemist transmutation is both a way of life and a form of art. As the Sun transits Scorpio we will all have access to extraordinary cosmic energy that can help us to transmute dark or difficult situations into their higher counterparts. Start this transit with prayer to God for the clarity of mind to know exactly how to transmute darkness into light. If you do you will receive the answer one way or the other. Never forget the power of prayer which is free and accessible to all. May your transmutations be unforgettable!

In cosmic servirce

Salvador Russo

Twin Flame energy report New moon in Libra

Dearest beloveds

We come forth now in this hour of your time to offer you some insight regarding the recent energetics that are currently subsuming terra Gaia, as we come to this point in the Lunar and solar cycle where the sun and new Moon have recently moved through and conjoined in the harmonious and partner orientated sign of Libra, you will find this is an auspicious time to take inventory of the specific requests that you are putting out to the universe, as like like any new moon or full moon this is an extremely powerful time to clarify your intentions and hearts desires.

We recommend making some sort of physical visual representation of this as much as possible, using sacred symbols and imagery to assist in the inevitability of your hearts desires, to manifest ever more swiftly and efficiently into the third dimensional reality.

With regards to the recent ascension gateway gaia is moving through, we affirm to you with concrete knowing that truly Gaia's vibration has exponentially transformed and although you may not be able to see full evidence of this yet on a collective level, the energy of love and light far exceeds the last residues of darkness that are rapidly being vacuumed up by the highest angelic forces in creation.

Many of you have crossed a monumental ascension threshold within your own consciousness and this is bringing forth an alignment with the embodied Christ being that you truly are, and you are noticing an extreme swiftness between thought and manifestation at these times. this is occurring as a reflection of the shifts in your vibration…... as your frequency resonates at a higher and higher frequency this brings forth a full alignment with your pure God nature which activates these Ascension gifts of miraculous and very much speeded up manifestation….

Thank you all so much for the commitment you display to love, to be love, and to love all parts of yourself and your beloved twin flame.

This energetic gateway has brought forth an outstanding quota of gamma rays aka photonic light particles aka God particles into the collective consciousness of Gaia. Within these light particles their lives infused the full resonance of the awakened I am presence and indeed the pineal center herself is made up of these very same photonic light particles, therefore the increased dispensation that is occurring at the moment is specifically interlocking with the higher consciousness stations within the physical body. the gamma rays come forth as spirals of golden light acting as keys to stimulate and ultimately awaken your pineal center to fully activate the all seeing eye, the eye that sees with singularity, thus assuring your ascension in this lifetime.…..

Beloveds it is your responsibility now to fully align with your I am presence on an hourly and daily basis, that your frequency may attune to the harmonic tone whereby your twin flame will find you.

As you come into full alignment with your I am presence it is this and only this which sends out the required and necessary mating call to your twin flame that you are ready, and that they may step forward and find you.

You have all done such profound work with regards to deeply cleaning and cleansing many of your false dark ancestral templates. Much of this great work has been completed now on the higher planes, and that is why we bring forth this message today that the next stage in your union with your beloveds is full awakening and celebration of the living I am presence that you are….. whole and complete and aligned to source energy…. grateful, and in service…. with full access to the zero point field of consciousness where all duality dissolves back into singularity/unity/oneness.

Understand beloveds that within this Higher fifth dimensional connection that you and your beloved twin flame have signed up for and have promised to birth into the physical plane…...this occurrence is based solely on the attunement of your frequency….. as this occurs, this sends out a psychic tone that only your twin flame can hear. This tone emits the message that the one who is calling is now in fact ready to be joined by her divine consort.

As one of the twin flame couple fully and completely aligns with their I AM PRESENCE this encourages and in fact activates the other twin flame to come into alignment with their own I am presence.

We hope these words encourage you, and remind you of how powerful you are….

For you are fully empowered to align with your I am presence, that you may send that sacred mating tone out to your beloved twin flame, that he may hear and respond…

Dear ones we urge you to remember that the journey of the soul can be likened very much to being in a labyrinth…. at the point where it seems that you are furthest away from the centre and right at the beginning, you are in fact closer to your destination than you have ever ever been.

It is like this for many of you now at these times, and this is why we come forward with this reminder that you 100% hold the energetic keys to your successful reunion with your true twin flame. Our beloved channel is hearing many many instances of Twin flames coming into recognition and the union at these times and we are deeply overjoyed to share this with you.

God's plan is unfolding now in wondrous and mysterious ways…

Please place your trust in the great mystery for nothing is random and nothing is by chance, the universe commands a profound order that is unfathomable to the human psyche….. please trust in this, and allow this mystery to support you and hold you as you carry on your journey of being the luminescent beacon of profound light that you are.

We are available to serve you………….

If you feel called to reach out for a one-to-one session with me please feel free to do so I work on a psychic and intuitively gifted level to assist you in removing blocks to your union and fully stabilising and aligning with your I am presence. This is done through sharing specific vibrational attunements and unique fifth dimensional healing modalities…


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