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Twin soul Ascension report.. Our ancestors are calling..... highly auspicious times for Twins

October 30, 2018

Dearest beloveds,

Greetings of the most high. We come forward now on the Eve of samhain in the northern hemisphere. Samhain pronounced Sow-aine is an extremely important celebration on the pagan calendar and is also celebrated in many of our indigenous cultures as the Day of the dead. This day also marks the beginning of the Celtic New Year. On this auspicious date it is known that our ancestors/relatives who have passed over to the other side come forward and make their presence known, as it is understood that the time of Samhain is the time when the veil is thinnest between the higher dimensional realms.

In our ancient cultures traditionally we would have gathered together with our tribe at times like this and we would sit in front of our family altar that had been created to honour the souls of our loved ones who have passed over back to spirit, and we would acknowledge their eternal presence through lighting candles and offering them food on the altar. These ceremonies have been an essential part of our heritage as a species for millennia, But for many of us in the west we have en masse made light of this date through the sole focus being on the superficial aspects of the day such as outfits/what one looks like, as opposed to acknowledging the the deep spiritual healing potential that lies at the root of this occasion.

And this is why we must find a way to re-establish theses important ceremonial dates in the ways that we can in this modern day, and as such this is the reason we have requested our channel Matahariji to facilitate this samhain ceremony on this date, as this is so crucial for the soul consciousness to have this experience of gathering with tribal members on dates such as this.

As with all of the transmissions that we offer, each one is overseen by an ascended master and in this transmission the ascended master overseeing will be the deeply honoured, revered and now beloved ancestor Louise Hay.

Louise Hay has been visiting our beloved channel frequently since a week before her passing and she has communicated very clearly that she will be the soul who will usher in all of the ancestors from the other side to take part in this new earth paradigm ceremony. She will also be overseeing the healing potential and actuality that this ceremony promises to deliver particularly for those beloveds who have been carrying the burden of sexual trauma.

Dear ones, for those of you who sign up and commit to showing up for this level of personal and planetary service, please know our appreciation in the higher realms is beyond measure.

Thank you for showing up for this level of personal and planetary service all is well dear ones all is very very well

In love and light matahari-ji and the white wolf tribe

Details of the Samhain transmission

The Samhain ancestors ceremony will take place on October 31st at 7:17 p.m. UK time.

In this ceremony we will be working specifically with clearing our most significant ancestral burdens working with the principle of 7 Generations behind and 7 generations in Front. This is such important work that we are being called to do brothers and sisters as we are ensuring that our future generations are able to incarnate into a realm free of all ancestral trauma and false negative programming.

This is a highly auspicious ceremony to be part of and for many of you please expect visitations from your ancestors via visions and also in the dreamtime during this period especially those who sign up to be part of the ceremony. We will also be working with clearing the trauma of sexual abuse from the Planetary grid and we will also be activating a deep sacral chakra healing and realignment with the blessing of all of our ancestors.

Please know that I jen the facilitator am so humbled to be bringing forth this level of spiritual work and deeply look forward to Gathering with all of you on October the 31st.

This sacred work is offered on an energetic exchange basis

Please know beloveds that it is still just as powerful to tune into the recording at whatever time is convenient for you, as the energy will be fully stabilized so that everybody can tap into that energy field.

Due to popular request there is now a

"pay it forward" option so please use the donate button to pay it forward for a brother or sister who wishes to be part of this powerful sacred work but is unable to offer an energy exchange

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