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Twin flame 144k Ascension report: 2.2 imbolc gateway, full power activation

Dearest, beautiful brothers and sisters, greetings of the most high. 

 We are fastly approaching the imbolc gateway. This is an extremely potent and powerful time of the year, which is ruled over by the goddess Bridget, the word/ name Bridget derives from Britannia the British Isles, and many mystics believe that Bridget is the Celtic aspect of Mary Magdalena herself. 

The imbolc energies are a sure promise to us that the long, deep winter is culminating and when we see the snow drops and the daffodils, this is a sign to our spirit and hearts that nature has not forgotten us and the warmth of the sun will imminently return in the northern hemisphere. 

Traditionally, our ancestors would gather with offerings for the nature spirits and indeed many aspects of nature on these pagan ceremonies. Believing that through honouring and acknowledging these 8 important portal ecliptic dates, this would endow them with many upcoming blessings in the coming spring and summer months. 

I am delighted to inform you that I'm hosting an online ceremony at 4:44 PM uk 2nd of February, 2024,

In this ceremony we are going to be working deeply with the portal of Arunachala in Tamil Nadu Southern India. Arunachala  is considered to be the spiritual center of the world, and particularly the spiritual center of India. 

There is an intensity in this region, which is personally unlike anything I've ever experienced before. An aspect of the transmission will be coming from the energies in Arunachala , but I'm also being strongly guided to work with the British Isles and the energies of imbolc I have not revealed it to my community, but Shiva directed me to come home in order to be in England for the iimbolc ceremony.

Since hosting these transmissions, my personal life is intricately woven into this planetary service, and very often my personal ideas are transcended by my spirit's guidance and what I thought was going to happen can very easily flip when I receive clear and specific instructions from the gods and the goddesses, AKA, my own higher self. 

So I have many surprises and twists and turns and exciting activations to share with all of you who come forward to personally receive the Darshan from ARunachal and bask in the auspicious imbolc  energies.  imbolc  is truly one of my most beloved times of the ecliptic cycle as it presents to us hope. 

And hope is such a beautiful and fragile energy that enables our deepest wishes to come into fruition. 

Please see below for all of the instructions to join the online zoom ceremony. 

There are not a huge amount of places left in the Zoom room, and all those who cannot make the live call will get the chance to receive the replay once they have emailed me to request it after the live event. 

In love and eternal light,

Jen and the White Wolf tribe.

2.2 transmission

The 2.2 transmission will take place at 4:44 PM UK time on the 2nd of February, 2024. In this transmission, we will be working with the Rishi’s who reside in the Holy Shiva mountain of Arunacharla. 

We will be going into the deepest depths of the mountain and we will be activating a profound Darshan, a dispensation of holy spiritual light, which will empower you at the deepest level of your being.and accelerate the time line of physical union with you and your twin flame.

This is an extraordinarily auspicious invitation to receive, and if you know that you were meant to be part of this ceremony, please ensure that you act swiftly as there are a limited number of places in the zoom room… if there are any issues if we encounter any technical issues with the ceremony, please know that I Jen will record the ceremony live at the time and upload it as an unlisted video in YouTube. This is very unlikely to happen, but I have to have a system set up just in case…. As soon as you energetically, connect and commit to being part of the ceremony, you will connect with the energies of shivas holy Mountain and your Higher Self will start Preparing you to meet the Rishi's and receive the Darshan.

Om Namah Shivaya

Here is the link to book onto the transmission if you are reading this on a mobile device

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I have Just bought through a very powerful book breaking down the dense Teachings of the amazing mystic Neville Goddard the book is on special offer at the moment to everyone in my community here is the link..

Little book of neville Goddard quotes

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