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Twin Flame energy Report.. Message from Louise hay Post 11.11 gateway.

Dearest beloveds

Greetings of the most high, this is I Louise hay arrived on Que with a cosmic message of the most high delivered through my most beloved sister matahariji.

Please know that it is my most profoundest honour to come through at this time in the aftermath of the potent 11.11 twin flame master portal.

The 11:11 is a huge gateway with regards to the earth's alignment with galactic central, which then initiates an increase in the bombardment of photonic light particles to flood The 3-D consciousness realm. These particles are also known as God codes.

The 11:11 portal bore witness to an unprecedented number of twin flame reunions and recognitions and there are no words that can adequately express how overjoyed we all are in the higher dimensional realms to be witnessing this level of divine love now finally truly anchoring upon the earthly plane.

The transmission matahariji facilitated was an extremely important ceremony as it activated a profound healing for the divine masculine consciousness who had sent out a call that this was deeply required in order to go forward proficiently and remain on the highest Ascension timeline.

We are still in the energetic frequencies of the 11:11 portal dear ones and there are still many of you who will be receiving miraculous contact from your so-called “runner” twin flames in the coming days and weeks.

When this happens it is imperative Divine feminine that you stay grounded and fully anchored in present moment consciousness and aligned with your codes of self mastery and Divine feminine radiance.

Please remember that you are the mystical code carrier within your sacred union and therefore it is imperative that you stay aligned with the source being that you truly are at all times regardless of what is occurring with your twin flame on the physical plane.

The ancient prophecy is rapidly coming to pass and the new earth is being born as we speak the destruction and death of the caterpillar is well underway and within this metamorphosis everything is being prepared now for the new Earth butterflies wings to unfurl during this auspicious time on the earth.

All is well.

Dear ones please know that it is time now to give yourselves permission to be the awakened beings that you have come here to be. Your ego mind would have you believe you need to rise at dawn every day, meditate incessantly, only eat raw food, attend an ashram and jump through a whole myriad of hoops in order to attain eternal peace, but nothing could be further from the truth

The mind will continue to strive for this until the moment of realisation that it enlightenment is a choice, and on some level you have always had the power to choose to think what ever taught You choose in each moment, and therein lies the simplicity of what it actually means to be self realised.

Everything simply comes down to a choice. Choose to remember, despite the story that your egoic mind is continually weighing you down with. Choose at all times to have compassion and empathy for all of your brothers and sisters, and to recognise the eternal Christ self that dwells in all.

In fact in many ways this one recognition of the divine spark of eternal presence that is within all of our creator's children, when this is truly grasped, this is often enough to fully activate the full and complete ascension of your consciousness.

The truth of the Christ Self dwells in all Mother Father Gods beloved children. There is no one in the whole of creation with whom the Christ self does not dwell, and May you be reminded that we each individually promised each other and the whole of existence that we would remind each other of this at all times.

Every moment is holy, every moment is sacred, every moment is divine. In every moment God presence saturates and subsumes all that is.

That moment of bravery, when you choose to let go of the petrifying narrative your mind is perpetually harassing you with, and you decided to choose to simply show up to life in this one and only holy moment as one whose cup runneth over, This is the moment when your higher self will infuse your entire consciousness with knowings and remembrance of the true eternal being that you have always been.

Awakening is a choice. A choice to choose to take action regardless of the voice of the sacred separate self, and therein lies the master key to self realisation, and it is oh so simple beyond the beyond of the most simple…

Spiritual enlightenment is unfathomably simple for the mind.

The caterpillar had to surrender to become a butterfly there was a moment of darkness and a moment of absolute trust and then before she knew it she had transformed and metamorphosed into an exquisite butterfly and oh the delight of realising she was a butterfly and that in fact her wings had always been there on the higher more subtle planes of consciousness.

everything in life all comes down perception, and the caterpillar realises that whilst she was in habiting the caterpillars body the lens that she was wearing was focused on lack and how limited she was, and the Butterfly realises that in order for her to have become the butterfly all she simply had to do was choose to put on those different lenses whereby she she remained present and focused on the positives in her life and on all of her blessings, and it was this most simplest actions, of choosing to put on these different lenses that enabled the consciousness of the caterpillar to experience A profound and everlasting metamorphosis to become the exquisite butterfly that was always her destiny.

Dear one, the role of being spiritually awakened quite literally comes down to a choice, to choose to show up in the world as one whose cup is full and overflowing with positive vibrations. So the question is when are you going to choose to say yes to life even if a part of you is screaming inside no.

my advice to you dear ones is fake it till you make it and you will discover that this indeed the fast track to 5D consciousness.

Be like a faucet of overflowing gratitude in your day-to-day life and recognise the divine self that exists in all.

There is so much to share with you all on this sacred eve, and with my beloveds sister permission I shall return with further updates. But for now wayshowers it is time, and this path is so much easier than your mind would have you believe.

meditate on that.

All is well dear ones

In love and eternal light

Louise Hay and Matahariji

Information about the master manifesting Zoom Group

Dear ones, I would like to take this opportunity to inform you that spirit has guided me to create a pre new moon online master manifestation zoom circle this coming Friday 17th november at 2:22 pm uk time. In this group you will join with many other extremely high vibrational souls who will each individually and as a group consciousness empower your own specific prayers and goals that you wish to manifest at this time.

The laws of quantum physics clearly show that it is through the act and power of the observation of matter that matter changes and we will be applying this principle in this extremely potent masterclass.

You will also be reminded of the advanced principles of sacred manifestation which historically have only been shared in secret societies and within the occult.

I am so excited to be opening up this space and creating the opportunity for us to all meet in person via Zoom there will also be other wonderful aspects which I will share with all of you who sign up.

This promises to be extremely life changing for all of us who take part.

It is time beloveds the energy is now building up for the 12:12 portal and solstice gateway. This is a potent time to gather in this way, to exponentially enhance and empower your own manifestational skills and abilities.

There are a limited number of places available for this and I am offering an intro price of £22 to join as it is my first online gathering of this kind.

here is the direct link if you would like to book your place on this potentially life changing call.

If the "BUY NOW" BUTTON DOESNT WORK ...please send £22.22 GBP to PayPal following the link below. and then email me at to let me know and i will send you the pdf with instructions to join the call Love Jen.

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